The Rough Nights - Rituals and meaning of the 12 magical nights - By Native

The Rough Nights - rituals and meaning of the 12 magical nights


What are the Rauhnächte?
The Rauhnächte - the time between Christmas and Epiphany on January 6th. These nights have a special significance and have been regarded as magical and mystical for centuries. In many cultures, fascinating tales and myths surround this mysterious time. Today, the old Rauhnacht rituals are experiencing a real renaissance, and more and more people are using these nights to reflect and engage with the turn of the year in a deeper, spiritual way.


Rough nights - a time to pause, let go and refocus
The rough nights are a powerful time for many people to come to terms with the past year and rid themselves of anything that is no longer useful. You may also find the space to formulate your wishes and goals for the coming year during these nights. The Rough Nights are considered particularly potent for reflection and manifestation - a time when you can bring your visions into the world to make them a reality in the new year.
Use these nights to listen to yourself, immerse yourself in your intuition and develop small rituals to accompany you on your path. Whether it's a quiet moment of gratitude, burning old paper with your worries or writing visions for the new year - the Rauhnächte offer you the opportunity to connect with the cycles of nature and your own inner processes.
Where do the Rauhnächte come from?
The roots of the Rauhnächte lie deep in Germanic and Celtic tradition. Back then, people lived according to the cycles of the moon. A lunar month lasted around 29.5 days, and the lunar year had only 354 days, which left a difference of 11 days and 12 nights compared to the solar year of 365 days. To compensate for this time difference, the Celts added so-called "leap days" - these days existed in a sense "outside of time", beyond the usual annual cycles.
During this interim period - the Rauhnächte - it is said that the laws of nature are suspended. The boundary between our world and the Otherworld - the world of ancestors, spirits and the deceased - is particularly thin. This mystical time makes the Rauhnächte an ideal opportunity for oracles and manifestations. It is a time when the veils between the worlds are more permeable and it is easier to access the deeper truths and our own intuition.


winter forest

When do the Rauhnächte begin?

Today, the Rauhnächte usually begin on the night of December 24th to 25th, i.e. Christmas Eve, and end on the night of January 5th to 6th, Epiphany. Traditionally, however, they began on the longest and darkest night of the year. It is the night on which the light is symbolically reborn and the cycle of life begins anew. In many ancient traditions, this time was considered particularly powerful, as it marks the turning point in the annual cycle, when darkness gives way to light. For many, the Rough Nights are therefore not only the time between Christmas and the Three Kings, but also an opportunity to connect with the energy of the winter solstice and celebrate new beginnings.


Palosanto ritual

Rituals for the Rough Nights

There are a variety of customs and rituals during the Rauhnächte that are deeply connected to the magic of this special time. It is said that during these 12 nights, the gates to the Otherworld are wide open and it is particularly easy to make contact with the ancestors, angels and gods. A ritual performed during this time is said to be particularly powerful and effective as it symbolizes the transition from the old to the new and strengthens the spiritual connection.

A popular and powerful ritual is incense burning - a practice that cleanses the room and creates an atmosphere of new beginnings. 

Smoking incense during the Holy Nights

The Rauhnächte are the perfect time to go through the house with incense. Since ancient times, people have used incense with herbs and plants to rid themselves of old burdens and create positive energy for the coming year. The idea that smoke dispels darkness and brings light is perfectly suited to this time of change.

Which herbs you want to use when burning incense is entirely up to you - there are no fixed rules here. In earlier times, incense was particularly popular for driving away evil spirits and purifying the room. Sage and palo santo are also frequently used during the Holy Nights. Both plants have a cleansing and protective effect that fits in particularly well with the mystical energy of these nights.


The Rauhnächte and the 13 wishes

One of the most popular Rauhnächte rituals is the one with the 13 wishes. At the beginning of the Rauhnächte, 13 wishes are written down on small pieces of paper, which are then folded up and placed in a box or bag. From December 24th onwards, a slip of paper is drawn every evening and burned unopened in a fire bowl, with the trust that a higher power will now take care of fulfilling this wish. At the end of the Rauhnächte, the 13th wish remains. This is the wish that, according to custom, you yourself are responsible for fulfilling.