Slow Living - Living and living more slowly
Slow Living is a lifestyle, a philosophy and a state of being. It is a low impact way of life that takes care of itself and the environment by living in an organic, natural way.
The art of slow living sounds like a cliché, but it's true. You don't wake up one morning and decide that you want to "live slowly," but you have to figure out how to make it happen for you personally.
What are the ideas and values behind Slow Living and what do they do for you and your home? Find out here how you can live more slowly and furnish your house or apartment lovingly and consciously for yourself.
What is Slow Living?
Especially for those of us who live in cities, modern life can feel hectic, demanding, and sometimes relentless.
Thanks to all of our technological tools that allow us to get more and more done, the days seem to run away . The more we have to do, the less time we seem to have for ourselves. The ideal of "more and faster" is losing its luster.
But what happens to us when we slow down? Understandably, this is a pretty scary thought for many of us. We may think that we will no longer complete tasks or that we will miss something.
The idea of slow living is not about literally moving in slow motion. Living more slowly means setting limits to the speed of our everyday lives, consciously taking our time and valuing it.
When we slow down, we become more intensely engaged with what we're doing, and so we're forced to deal with what's going on inside of us. That's why that's one of the reasons we find it so hard to slow down. Speed can lead to a form of denial. Instead of facing essential, personal questions, everything becomes a superficial to-do list.
Slow Living stems from the need for a better, more balanced way of living and getting back to what really makes us happy. It encompasses ideas that have been around for centuries and are firmly rooted in many ancient cultures, yet it is a consequence of the overwhelming busyness of modern life.
Quality rather than quantity is a theme, diving into the important things, leaving out the unnecessary, doing things right rather than quickly, and enjoying them more. We need to slow down and appreciate the little things that otherwise pass us by.
If your current lifestyle is packed with activities and commitments, but you feel like you're missing out on time for yourself, your family, or whatever is important to you, then the slow lifestyle probably has a lot to offer you.
Slow Living starts at home
For many of us, the change of pace begins at home. In doing so, the Slow Living lifestyle brings objects, habits and values into our homes that bring us closer to our authentic selves.
Time is perhaps our most precious commodity and the most difficult to acquire. In order to make time for the important things, we need to know what they are. Define what is really important to you so that you can develop a lifestyle that allows you to spend more time on these essential things. Saying no to things that are not important is just as important as saying yes to things that are important.
In the age of digitalization, we often forget how nice it was to simply be out in nature, not constantly available. Or to stay in bed longer on the weekend and make ourselves comfortable with a good book. Instead, we move from computer to smartphone, from screen to display, and from one commitment to the next.
However, it is important to pause, slow down life and return to a more conscious and reflective existence. Give yourself breaks, allow yourself to not be constantly available, and take time for things that really make you happy. Whether you want to express your creativity through painting, exercise your green thumb in gardening, nurture your body and mind with yoga, or explore nature with hikes; get closer to yourself and consciously perceive your environment, because that's what the Slow Lifestyle is all about.

Out in nature: gardening clears the mind (Photo Credit: Kruut)
Slow Living - Live and feel good
With Slow Interior, you design your furnishings so that each room not only has its own function, but also its own meaning for you. A clearly defined work area, for example, signals when you leave: Now it's time to relax, time to be with family or read a book on the sofa. A carefully furnished kitchen reveals: Here is a place to consciously enjoy food.
So Slow Living allows you to organize your home and create rituals to feel good. A boundary between work and recreation and dining areas helps you to prioritize and notice: Enjoyable eating, conscious rest and relaxation are just as important in life as concentrated work.
Conscious furnishing with Slow Interior

The bedroom as a place of retreat
Wellness oasis bathroom
Occasionally take a moment just for yourself and enjoy an extensive bath with scented candles. This way you can release tension and ensure a calm, clear head.
The kitchen for conscious enjoyment